Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Convention Photos for 2022 (So Far!) Plus some updates!


Yo yo yo yo!
So I said I was gonna be posting here more and I'm gonna make good on that promise, cuz I actually got shit to post.
So I finally finished posting all my convention photos from Fanime and Q-Con! You can check them all out on Patreon, don't worry, they are all free. Except for Album #3 from Fanime because that's all the personal photos. If you wanna just see me and my friends hanging out and other cool shots like that, you gotta pay!

I wrote blogs on each one of the albums, and you should read 'em, but here's a quick synthesis of everything I wrote.

It was so great to be back at Fanime. After a 2 year hiatus, I was definitely jonesin'. The line management in the beginning was a nightmare, and I know it was because they were trying hard to check out everyone's vaccine status and I appreciate that. They were very on it as far as checking for masks too. I witnessed one guy get booted cuz he wouldn't keep his mask on and i heard stories of another guy, a vendor, who was told to leave for similar fuckery.

Lots of stuff was cancelled because of covid concerns and lack of volunteers, but in a weird way, that kind of helped me enjoy the con more. I was forced to really explore the program for activities instead of just falling back on the shit I ALWAYS do when I'm at Fanime, like the theaters, the masquerade and the music video contest, etc. I was bummed at first, but once we really started exploring everything the con really had to offer, we really started having fun. One of the best things we got to see was the CWF, the Cosplay Wrestling Federation. I highly recommend checking out my blog in photo album #2, cuz I go in depth on those events. You should ALL know how hilarious and fun it was.

Q-Con was also hella cool. It felt too short, it was only one day, and I had to drive a lot to be there. But at the same time, it was also kind of mercifully short because being out there was expensive, and i only kinda/sorta turned a profit being out there. If I had payed for one more day at the hotel, I may have just BARELY broken even, or lost money, and yeah it would have been fun, but man, I would be sad if my first con tabling since September of 2019 actually lost me money.

But I DID come home with some money and I DID have fun! The highlight of this con was easily the cosplay contest which I detail in the one and only album I posted from Q-Con.

someday perhaps in the not too distant future when I am a little more secure in my career, I can happily take some extended time off work and hang out in SoCal and just accept I'll probably take an L on comic sales vs. how much i spend being out there. I am very attached to the idea of TransCat making me money, but the simple fact of the matter is I have a real adult person's job that pays me extremely well, and TransCat is more of a hobby now and less of a hopeful career. That being said, I am never going to stop hustling TransCat, because she is extremely important to me, even if she is not my main money maker. I just want her to be out there, reaching as large of an audience as possible, which is why going to L.A. in the first place was important to me.

Anyway! That's all for the cons!
I told you I had some news!

So I mentioned in my previous update that during my depression induced hiatus that Comixology got properly absorbed by Amazon, and all the digital TransCat comics that USED to be on Comixology all just sorta vanished into the aether.

So! I'm gonna get all my old TransCat comics back in digital form, and I've started with the classic issue #1!

I uploaded only the first one because I wanted to make sure it worked out. I'm gonna try and tackle uploading the rest of the series tomorrow, if I can possibly wedge it into my already busy day. In either case, I am gonna try and make this happen. Digital TransCat comics have been unavailable for too, too long, and it's time to change that.

I am still on the waiting list for SF Zinefest, so no new news there yet. I'll keep you all apprised. 

That's all for now, friends. 

See you...

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