Wednesday, January 6, 2021

First TransCat Update In Awhile!

And the cat came back!

Gosh, what a several month it's been. What a morning it's been! I'm having a lot of fun watching the hungry dogs eat eachother in the capitol today. I'm not gonna lie, I am concerned, I am outraged just like you. But I'm also kinda hoping for maximum damage. I know I'm not gonna get it. Cops and Nazis have too much professional respect for one another. I heard one of them was shot, and there's been a handful of arrests. Nothing at all compared to what the pigs did to BLM when they were protesting Police Brutality, but I will take my schadenfreude where I can get it these days. 

I wasn't expecting to go on a little political rant today when I decided it had been too long since a proper blog update, but these are the fraught times we live in. I wanted to talk about my life, and the various comics I'm working on, and my life and my work and all that. There's been a lot going on, which, if you follow me on social media, you know a little bit off, as I've been doling out info here and there. But if you're primarily a blog reader, then it's been awhile.

As you read in my last blog update, I lost another dear friend, Robert Olen Brown. He will be very missed. I've lost a lot of people this year, an unprecedented amount I would go as far as to say. Before Robert I love my Grandma, before her, an old high school flame, Vera passed away. Earlier in the year, the infamous Addy Bourneman passed and at the very beginning of the year another old high school friend, Jay passed as well. There's also been a lotta people I know mostly online who have passed away. People I liked and knew, but wasn't really close to. Their passing's hurt too, but those five, close friends and family, people I knew well and loved dearly, one at least of which, Robert, who was deeply involved in TransCat.

Before he passed, Robbie was involved in a little queer zine called Pixel Jizz. It was a variety zine, full of all kinds of things, comics, essays, photos, etc. all centering around the queer gaming experience. He had out out three of them in his lifetime, and was gearing up for a 4th as soon as Covid was behind us an we could start having conventions again. Sadly, he'll never get to see that happen. I had contributed to all four issues of the zine, and for the life of me I don't know where you can get them anymore. They were all pretty limited run little books that usually got handed out for free at conventions, and I don't think they were archived or ever put up for wider distribution. I think, in honor of Robert, I might compile the 4 comics I did for him sometime in the near future, but for right now, I want to share with you the short I had done for the unreleased issue 4:

This is a comic obviously drawn in the deep dark depths of Covid. Animal Crossing was still a thing, Biden and Harris were still campaigning. I usually don't like having shit THIS topical in TransCat. not unless it's topical for the early 2000's. But I liked this joke and didn't wanna sit on it for 20 something years or however long it might take for the TransCat storyline to catch up with the mayhem that is the 2020's. I was initially really worried Rob would reject this saying it was too divisive. He and I were pretty eye-to-eye when it came to politics, but I knew we gotta pretty neolib heavy reader base a lot of the time. to my surprise and delight though, he loved it and was getting ready to run it. I sat on it for awhile, just kinda whiling away the hours, days, weeks, months, (maybe years) until it could be printed.
Now I know it will never be printed. At least not by it's original publisher. So, in Robbie's honor, I wanna show this off, our last collab together. Rest in Peace Robert. You were so loved in this world.

Bet let us not dwell on sad things for too long. I have many happy things to report as well!
Remember that Star Trek comic I made a few months back? If not, you can view it at the bottom of THIS PAGE. Well anyway, I have a new one coming out! A Part 2 if you will, which will hopefully be a long series! I've uploaded the first page on my Patreon a few days ago. I'm gonna upload a new page every Sunday. It's a long one too, so look forward to lots of content. Since this is a fan work, and I have no legal right to ask you for money to read a comic based on an intellectual property I don't own, this will be uploaded for free. However, if you wish to enable my bad behavior and throw some money at my ORIGINAL work, please feel free! I've lost a lot of Patrons during this pandemic, and if you can afford it, I could really use it!

I've also got some brand new Geeky Steven comics ready to go, the first of which was uploaded last Monday. You can see it HERE! Do be a dear and subscribe to that page, and you can see each one of my uploads when it comes out every Monday, PLUS all the funny shit Steven posts day in, day out.

TransCat Issue #12 finally got accepted by Comixology! It has not yet been added to the inventory yet, but please keep an eye on THIS SPACE, it will be available for purchase soon.

My new friend Veronica Porras also invited me to be on her wonderful podcast "The Por*Ass Podcast" to interview me, and a couple other trans cartoonists to talk about our process and experiences doing what we do. I was joined by the ever so lovely and talented Sabrina Symington and Mallorie Jessica Dishes, authors and artists of "Life of Bria Comics" and "Sweet Beans" respectively. That was a wonderful experience and i would love it if you'd have a listen in on our conversation. It was fun to have and will likely be fun to hear as well! You can check us all out HERE.
I did another guest spot on that same show last month you can also check out HERE.
Honestly, Veronica puts on a great show and you should just check out the whole series. She's great.

In the mean time, TransCat issue #13 is chugging along. The header image I've chosen for this post is proof of that at least! I still have a lot of work to do with my collaborator, but the work IS getting done. This has taken more than a year to get u until now. My new years resolution last year was to finish 4 TransCat books and I've barely gotten through one (issues #11 and #12, while released this year, don't count, because a lot of the work for those books was done in 2019).
SO! I'm going to renew that same resolution THIS year! By 2022, I will have TransCat #13, #14, #15 and #16 FINISHED! And maybe if I'm lucky, one more Star Trek comic! I already have a great storyline in mind for one ;-)

So what can you expect from the next four issues?
Well, TransCat and crew are gonna have an adventure in a mall. TransCat's also gonna come out to one of her friends finally, and we're gonna start the summer school arc too! Plenty of action, lots of drama, perhaps a little romance even? And why not? Probably some intrigue, drama and maybe even a little heartbreak. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long to find out! 

Sorry for so much radio silence!
See you all again soon, and maybe if we're lucky, we'll get to have a convention season this summer!

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