Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Rest in Peace: Robert Olen Brown


Hooboy, this is a hard post to make.
Feels like I've been losing a lot of people recently. This year had already taken three close friends from me, and on the 26th, just 4 days ago, it took another.

Robert Olen Brown, one of the first TransCat fans passed away right after Christmas.
I found out the day after, cuz all the hubbub of Christmas was still swirling around in my life.

I can't remember WHICH con I first met Robbie at but it was definitely a con. He was at all the cons, he was at all the queer events, he was such an active member of our little community, trying his hardest to get creators like me in the spotlights we wanted to be in, and sometimes even going as far as to organize big events with which to do just that. I was in 3 compilation books organized and published by him, and was planning on being in a 4th for whenever the next convention was gonna be. He even conducted my very first print interview. 

He really really put himself out there for queer creators in the bay area, and I tell ya right now, this space will feel his absence. Whenever Covid passes and we are able to get back out there and start doing our thing at conventions and events again, it's just not gonna be the same. I think though, that we owe it to Robbie to make sure this scene thrives, even in his absence. We all know that the first cons we go to after this is gonna be a STRAIGHT UP BANGER anyway! but let's try and party maybe even a little EXTRA harder in his memory. Anyone who knows him knows that that's exactly what he would have wanted.

So, already there's a few art projects being organized to memorialize Robbie and all he's done for us in our community. I guess you can't ingratiate yourself into a huge community of queer artists without them dedicating a huge art project or two to you after you pass.
So, Cuddlechunk, an organization he was heavily involved in is doing THIS photo and video collage. If you knew Robbie and you got pictures or videos of him you wanna share, let them know.
I heard also something about a zine project being organized? But no definite info on that yet. Rest assured I'll get on that as soon as I can.

I had some other news I wanted to share, but I think I'll wait on it. I don't want to subtract from the gravity of the this post. 

That's all I'll say for now.
Expect a new post sometime soon!

In the mean time, rest in peace, Robbie.
Words can't express how much I'm gonna miss you. How much we're ALL gonna miss you. Thank you for believing in me so early, and doing everything you did for us.

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