Wednesday, April 1, 2020

HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!! TransCat Salutes Rob Liefeld!


I may never be able to top the pranks I pulled in 2013 and 2017 respectively, I can still draw a funny picture with the best of 'em!
So, in this time of turmoil, come and enjoy some comedy with me! It's a freebie on my Patreon, but please do consider donating if you wanna unlock all the rest of the content available on there. There's LOTS!

How is everyone?
Yeah I know, the world's changed a lot in the past couple weeks.

Y'all staying indoors?
Taking care of yourself?
Taking care of each other?

LOL, I'm not!
I got one of those uh... whaddaya call it... "essential services" jobs.
Not cartooning, obviously, my OTHER job! My DAY job!

In a way I'm very grateful, cuz as much as I would LOVE to be literally ordered to stay indoors and take a long, long vacation from work, I can't afford it! Society ground to a halt, but capitalism insists on trudging on. In a way i'm secretly hoping that the contagion gets so bad that it kills capitalism off entirely, and along with it, the mere concept of rugged American individual exceptionalism. I'd like us all to come out of this a little bit kinder, and a LOT less dependent on the system that insists on bleeding us dry at every opportunity. I've already been hearing really nice stories on both fronts. People banding together for mutual aid, helping out those less fortunate, and at the same time strikes organizing against landlords and HOA's who threaten to evict people who can't pay while 99% of civilization is closed and no one's making any money.

On the OTHER hand, I also know that these battles pale in comparisons to the many, many people around the world who are either dying or fighting for their lives against this virus, and it makes me feel guilty for seeing this pandemic as just another battleground for my political beliefs.

I mean sure, you can say that everything IS political, and capitalism's insistence of running as normal while everything else is frozen kind of MAKES this especially political. Regardless, my REAL hope is that this sickness passes us all over as quickly as possible, so that lives are no longer in danger, and if there's a revolution along the way, I won't complain.

In a way it's funny. I had pledged at the beginning of this year that I was gonna take a year off of conventions so I could work on TransCat more and get my life in order. Who would have thought that decision would have been made FOR me by a global pandemic. I guess if there's a silver lining in this at all, it's that now I don't really feel like I'm missing anything now :P

Fanime seems to insist that it's still gonna happen, but i think what they're REALLY doing is playing chicken with the city of San Jose, and waiting for them to cancel to event for them so they don't lose their deposit on the convention center.

Wow, a year without Fanime, what a world we live in now. Hard to image that it'd come to this.

Maybe on the weekend of when Fanime would have been, I'll do some kinda special live-stream or something?
I gotta couple months to plan it.

In either case, please do take good care of yourselves in the mean time, and each other. I wanna close out saying thank you to all the hard working badass medical professionals out there, who are taking care of the sick and tirelessly researching a cure or vaccine as we speak. Let's keep hoping for good news. I know you guys can do it.

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