Thursday, January 2, 2020

TransCat Wishes You A Happy TwennyTwenny!

Happy New Years, you wacky New Years People! NEW YEARS!!! WOOO!!!

So this is unfortunately not a super accurate visual representation of every con i went to in 2019, as it felt like more than half of them gave me little disposable write bands as my "badge". I do not have the wherewithal to keep track of those thing after I have to find The Good Scissors to chop them off of my sweaty wrist :P

All told, I'm pretty sure I did eight cons this year, which is a little bit less than I'm used to and a lot of that is because I am burned out, and that's why my new years resolutions are the following:

1. No conventions for 2020, I am taking a break from touring and appearances because of the intense physical and mental strain they put me through. For all the fun I have, prepping for these things can be a nightmare, and tbh, I need a break. Now, there are exceptions I am willing to make. For example, if Queer Comics Expo happens this year, and they want me, I'm doing it, no questions asked. If for some reason, Alternative Press Expo decided to revive this year, I'm doing everything I can to be part of it. If any of my publishers or distributors wants me to go to one of the BIG cons in SoCal this year, I'm there. That being said, all the cons I USUALLY go to, Sac-Anime, Sac-Con, Silicon Valley Comic Con, Crunchy Roll Expo, SF Comic Con, etc... I need a break. I love you, I do, but I need a break!
So what am i gonna do for a whole year though? Well, i'm glad you asked, because that leads into resolution number two!

2. Produce four new TransCat books.
Now, I'm not talking about the two I already have in production that are basically already done. Issues #11 and 12 are basically finished, i'm gonna devote my time to putting the finishing touches on them and have them in the can and ready to go for 2021, but I'm ALSO gonna put my all into completing Issues #13, 14, 15 and 16, so I can rush into the next year full loaded with fresh new content for y'all to consume. I also wanna put together my TransCat shorts compilation so I'll have a new graphic novel lookin' thing ready. That's basically also already done, I just need to get all the pages together, properly formatted and properly inked (some are still in pencil).
When I pick this all up again next year, I don't want it to feel like I haven't done anything.

3. Finish compiling the TransCat soundtrack
Last year, I completed "No Son Of Mine", the TransCat spinoff book that I never thought would happen. this year, I wanna unearth another thought-to-be shelved project, the TransCat soundtrack and breathe new life into it. I've already kinda started making moves on that front this year, but this year, i swear to god, I'm gonna finish it.

All of this, I swear to you, my loyal viewer!
Come 2021, you're gonna be swimmin' in so much new TransCat shit, you're gonna miss Star Wars!

If you just can't stand the waiting, i want you to be aware that my PATREON is still gonna be updating like crazy! That's where all my cool extras and works in progress go! If you log on now, you'll see all the cool free shit I uploaded during the holidays, but please do consider tossin' a few bucks on the pile, if you'd be so kind. not only will you be really helping out the TransCat cause in general, but you'll be unlocking a VAST backlog of exclusive TransCat material that's never been posted publicly or published in a book before. There's a few tempting perks in there for Patrons too, so check that out, see what catches your eye ;-)

I certainly won't abandon this blog either. I know the updates here are sparse compared to other aspects of my social media incarnation, but whenever something cool or big happens, I will let you all know about it here.

In the mean time, I hope your 2020 is off to as good a start as mine is!

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