Wednesday, January 13, 2016

TransCat #6 is Out! (PLUS UPDATES)

Good lord, it has been a busy, BUSY year for TransCat. So much so that you'd think I'd update this blog more regularly.
First and foremost, TransCat #6 made it's print debut almost two weeks ago. (You can get that bad boy HERE!)
Being the savvy business person I am, I chose today (two weeks later) to be the day to not only add it to the online store, but to make a post about it at all!

Yikes, maybe I'm more fatigued than I thought!

I am recuperating not only from the two big shows in a row I just completed, but the entirety of the holiday season. First was Gaymer X3, then Christmas and New Years, and then Sac-Anime immediately afterwards. Four big events all side by side by side by side. Oof! OOF I SAY!

For now, I don't have anything else planned until March, which will be a nice change of pace. I'd LIKE to think that I can finish up Issue #7 no problem, but I guess we'll see!

Finishing by March will be important, because I'll be debuting at (yet again) TWO cons in the same month!
First will be old fan favourite Sac-Con! Taking place March 12th and 13th. But then, but THEN! Get ready for this, because holy wow is this a big deal! Knave Murdok will be making her triumphant return to WONDERCON!

I have not been to WonderCon since 2011, right before it moved away from the Bay Area, and all the way down to Anaheim. That was a saddening event because WonderCon 2009 was the first time I had ever attended a convention as a professional artist. Wondercon 2010 was when I met one of my coolest friends for the first time. WonderCon 2011 was when I got to see Kevin Smith perform for the first time! Then after that they were like "LOL why don't you drive 8 hours to come see us from now on, huh?"
Needless to say, I said "No" to that offer for years, but in 2016 I SHALL RETURN!

The same wonderful people who made my Comic-Con visit possible are putting on a similar series of panels again, and while at GX3 I was informally invited to be part of one of them, possibly.
I said "maybe" at the time, because it IS a long distance to travel, and i wasn't sure if I had a place to stay while i was there, but thanks to some creative string pulling, and a few friends in the right places, it looks like I might not have to worry 'bout that :D
So here I come Anaheim! RAWR!
Also, I'm just realizing as I type this that I'm also scheduled to appear at Silicon Valley Comic Con March 18th through the 20th.

Hot damn, I'm gonna be travelling every weekend in March! :O :O :O
I'd better be DOUBLY SURE I can get my books finished on time! I say "books" because there's more than one in the works!
I'm definitely putting issue #7 at the forefront! That's the most important one at the moment.
There is also the Alphabet Anthology I've been talking about for awhile. The Kickstarter was a huge success by the way ;-) I'm FAIRLY certain that one is debuting in March (Watch that space for details).
There is another story I'm submitting to the Shuffle Anthology (No link yet) which is DUE in March.

Lastly, I've been conceiving of a project recently called "No Son Of Mine", which will be a short one-off story about Chloie, and her childhood. I've been exploring a radically different style for this one, so it may not debut in March along with everything else, but I'll try. Imagine it coming down the pipeline sometime this year.

That's basically about it! I'll talk breifly about the cons I've been this this month.

So GX3 was amazing, as expected. This is only my second year attending this one, but every moment of it was precious! There is a stark contrast between GX3 and every other con I go to over the year. While there is a very distinct sense of inter-artist camaraderie at every con, there is also a steep sense of competition. At GX3, all I get is a sense of community. No one's climbing over you to try and get to the top, I think we're all just happy to be here in this wonderful little space we've carved out for ourselves. We are basking in one another's creative energy, boosting each other up, and making sure that the needs of our community are being catered to.
It is a magical place.

Sac-Anime was also pretty rad. They had it New Years Day, of all days! I thought it was pretty bold to schedule a con on a big holiday like that, and maybe it did affect attendance or maybe it didn't. It was hard to tell. All I know is what for me, as an artist, to make that drive up to Sac after a New Years party was a hell of a thing! Hoo boy! But I made it! I stumbled through that con like it was goddamn job (it was, actually) and came out smiling on the other end :D

So that's about it for now!
Keep an eye on my FACEBOOK page, as I'll be updating it soon with photos from Sac-Anime. a few GX3 ones are already up.
Also, I just made myself an INSTAGRAM which I'll be keeping updated with exclusive photos from my journeys and sneak peeks at stuff I'm workin' on.

See you all soon!


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