Wednesday, January 21, 2015

TransCat Pencil Adventures! Issue #2

So here's a funny story! A little bit more than a month ago, My Facebook page reached the hefty milestone of 5000 subscribers. I thought to myself "Golly! What a thing! I should commemorate this by drawing something special!"
So I had this idea for a another Pencil Adventure comic that I wanted to do, so I started it, thinking it would be done in no time. But over time, the idea got grander, the setup for the joke became more complicated, and the artwork for the concept needed to be upped and upped and upped, to make the whole thing seem worthwhile. Suddenly this silly idea for a short comic became this 7 page concept piece that merely housed a joke. The joke was even added upon by my friend Amy (she came up with the closing punch line, props to her) and to top it all off, about 5 pages into it, I started to think about how this was all going to interconnect to the greater TransCat narrative!
So here we are now, more than a month later. My little gag comic is now commemorating 7645 Facebook subscribers and is not officially cannon.

There we other distraction as well. I mean, I'm pretty lazy, but I'd like to think there were other mitigating factors in this comic taking so long other than that. I guess first and most obvious is the Holiday Season. Chrimbus and New Years were kind of a big deal. or at least they WOULD have been, if I wasn't breathing snot the whole time! Oh joy! For real though, my body pretty much set out to ruin my vacation from work. I got myself sick ON Christmas day, and it was a sick that hung around until New Years Day, as if it were purposefully just trying to fuck with me. So as you can imagine, I was not doing tons of drawing. I did however listen to ALL of the Green Day!

Before and after the Holiday, and The Great Sickness, I actually managed to pull off some con appearances, at Sac-Con and Sac-Anime which went extraordinarily well. I used to do Sacramento Cons a LOT, but honestly I haven't really been there in awhile due to money troubles. Now that TransCat is more of a thing, i could afford to make the trip.
Sac-Con was great, as usual. i was reunited with Danielle, whom I'd go as far as to call my Sacramento comics partner now. Sac-anime was a bit of an adventure though! Long story short, I wasn't sure if I was even gonna be able to make it. I had made plans to at least ATTEND, even if it wasn't as an artist. I got on the wait list for Artist Alley way too late, and getting on wasn't looking good. But I was given a phone call, literally the evening before the first day of the con, and suddenly ALL my plans had to change :D to add drama to the experience, I HAD to make it there before noon, or else my table would be forfeit!
So what followed that morning was a mad, early morning dash all the way up to Sac, picking up my partner, check into the hotel, drop off our shit, get to the con, get registered (we accidentally went to regular registration first before we realized we had to register AT Artist Alley) and then set up the table. we made it with less than an hour to spare, thank God.

Sac-Anime went extraordinarily well! I almost ran out of TransCat #1. Another trend that seems to be cropping up is that early in the con, people would come by to get #1, and then much later on, come back to get #2 and #3. I was very flattered ^_^
This was also my first con with shirts, but I only managed to sell one. I'm glad I didn't make a ton of them, limited release was a good idea.
I am signed up to do Sac-Anime again in the summer, Sac-Con again in March, there's a small college convention going on in MV in April which I'm in for, and then THE BIG ONES! Fanime in May, APE in October and GX3 in December!

This will be a busy year for TransCat!

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